Convidamos a todos para participarem do Colóquio da Pós-Graduação que será realizado pelo doutorando Miradel Seifi (IF – UFF), orientado pelo Prof. Dr. Mohammad Ali Rajabpour, quarta-feira, dia 16 de outubro, na Sala 201 (Torre Velha) às 17:00 horas.
Título:Generalization of Balian-Brezin decomposition for exponentials with linear fermionic part
Data: 16/10/2024
Horário: 17:00 horas
Local: Sala 201 (Torre Velha)
Fermionic Gaussian states have attracted considerable interest due to their remarkable properties, particularly Wick’s theorem. Building on the work of Balian and Brézin, we extend their formalism to Gaussian operators with a linear component. Using Colpa’s method, we generalize the Balian-Brézin decomposition (BBD) to include exponentials with linear terms. We introduce Gaussian states featuring a linear part, derive corresponding overlap formulas, and extend Wick’s theorem to incorporate linear terms, simplifying the expression of expectation values and reducing them to expressions involving one- and two-point correlation functions. Finally, we discuss the relevance of the BB decomposition in relation to the BCH (Zassenhaus) formulas for the so(N) Lie algebra.
Os estudantes de graduação podem aproveitar as horas assistidas como Atividade Complementar.
Comissão Organizadora
Brenda Pinheiro –
André Santos –
Marcos Gil –