Seminário virtual do grupo de Óptica e Informação Quântica

Data: Sexta-Feira 27/09/2024, 11 am, Sala 528
Palestrante:  Nazlı Uğur Köylüoğlu (Harvard)

publicado: 24/09/2024 19h58,
última modificação: 01/10/2024 23h11

Gostaríamos de convidar a todos para o seminário do grupo de Óptica e Informação Quântica dessa semana.

Data: Sexta-Feira 27/09/2024, 11 am, Sala 528

Palestrante:  Nazlı Uğur Köylüoğlu (Harvard)

Title: Quantum simulation with tunable multi-body interactions in periodically driven Rydberg atom arrays

Abstract: Neutral atom arrays driven into Rydberg states constitute a promising approach for realizing programmable quantum systems, where strong interactions associated with Rydberg blockade allow for simulation of complex spin models and quantum dynamics. In this talk, I will discuss a new Floquet engineering technique that extends the capabilities of Rydberg quantum simulators and provides control over novel forms of interactions and entanglement dynamics. Our approach is based on time-dependent modulation of Rydberg laser detuning and leverages perturbations around periodic many-body trajectories as resources for operator spreading. We show that such time-evolved operators provide a basis for engineering a family of effective Hamiltonians with strong, non-perturbative multi-body interactions. As an application, we demonstrate how to engineer spin chains with dominant blockade-consistent exchange interactions, and show that such models dynamically generate large-scale multi-partite entanglement from simple product initial states. We further illustrate how to combine the natural ability of Rydberg atom arrays to encode local constraints with the newly available multi-body interactions for simulating the dynamics of lattice gauge theories in previously inaccessible regimes. I will discuss first experimental explorations of our approach on a Rydberg quantum simulator and give an outlook on promising future directions.

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